About Lisa Chau

I first learned to fly fish on trips I would take with my dad to places like Montana, Wyoming and even as far as Belize. As a Michigan native, I spent most of my upbringing conventional fishing the Great Lakes and was initially intimidated with fly fishing until I found my love for small stream fishing. I made it my goal to be as versatile of an angler as possible.
When Shannah’s not fishing (usually she is fishing) you will find her exploring her love of photography. Shannah has always loved nature and is constantly trying to help better our rivers either through picking up trash or participating in conservation efforts.
Shannah is both a patient and experienced angler making her perfect to help all levels of anglers.
Little known fact...Shanna started a clothing hanger company called Hang A Bunch in 2010. They were in every Bed Bath and Beyond in the world until B,B and B went out of business.