Advanced Nymphing Clinic
Learn Advanced Nymphing Strategies with North Fork Ranch Guide Service’s Expert Guides, then Head Out to Put Your Nymphing Skills to the Test on the River at North Fork Ranch!
About the Advanced Nymphing Clinic
While we enjoy fishing dry flies as much as any angler, it’s no secret that subsurface nymph patterns just flat-out catch more fish most days. With up to 90% of a trout’s diet consisting of subsurface insects, learning how to fish nymphs effectively is a great way to find more success on the water. Our Advanced Nymphing Clinic instructors have many years of experience “cracking the code” of nymphing and helping others do the same.
Advanced Nymphing Clinics begin with a classroom session conducted in the North Fork Ranch’s cozy and charming Wildhorse Lodge, where students will discuss various nymphing tactics and learn how to “think like a guide” when setting up and utilizing nymph rigs. While this is not specifically a Euro Nymphing Clinic, our instructors will help demystify the technique. After the classroom portion, students jump outside for a casting clinic. This portion is tailored specifically towards effectively casting a nymph rig and minimizing the tangles that long leaders, multiple flies, split shot, and an indicator can create. Following a catered lunch, students will head to the river and put their newfound knowledge to the test by nymphing on the river at the famed North Fork Ranch. The instructor will help solidify each student’s nymphing techniques by rotating between anglers for 1-on-1 instruction and input, and help with landing fish that you catch on your own nymph rig setups!
This detailed Full Day (8:30-4:00) clinic dives into various nymphing topics, including:
- Equipment and Gear Selection
- Nymph Rig Styles and Associated Techniques
- Streamside Preparation, Approach, and Identifying “Nymphing Water”
- Nymphing Methods and Presentations
- Casting a Nymph Rig
- Hooking, Playing, and Landing Fish on Nymph Rigs
We are pleased to offer several Advanced Nymphing Clinic Dates:
November 8, 2023 - Wednesday
November 18, 2023 - Saturday
November 29, 2023 - Wednesday
December 9, 2023 - Saturday
December 20, 2023 - Wednesday
More dates to come…
Advanced Nymphing Clinic Pricing
1 Angler $650
2+ Anglers - $465 per person