About Matthew Abbott

“I am originally from Arkansas but did not grow up fly fishing. However, soon after moving to Colorado and getting my first fly rod I quickly realized the error of my ways and became a true believer! I have never enjoyed anything as much as fly fishing and getting to know the local watershed. I love the opportunity to be outdoors as much as possible and connect with nature in a meaningful way. Currently I work in the helping profession as a social worker and therapist. I chose to enroll in guide school in Colorado because I wanted to merge my passion for supporting people and fly fishing. I love getting to know people on the water and the opportunity to help others connect with nature through fishing. I’m grateful to be a part of the North Fork Ranch Guide Service with amazing people - I love the routine anticipation in the crisp cool mornings, enjoying the hot coffee as we prepare for the day, knowing that I’ll have the privilege to spend the day with clients that are just as excited as me about getting out on the water!”